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Google will introduce next Android OS and Laptops in October.

  shahid nazir

The rumors has it that Google might converge its Android Operating System and Chrome OS into one System with increasing demand of more synchronized option. Google will made an announcement in this respect at an event in October.

As per report Google will introduce a new operating system which will be dubbed Andromeda. Andromeda will be the merger of Android and Chrome OS platforms by Google. Before this, it was rumored that Google will announce two Pixel phones, one new Chrome cast, new Wi-Fi router and Amazon Eco against Google Home.

Google will introduce next Android OS and Laptops in October.

Keep in Mind that Andromeda is something different from above mentioned, it is project of Chrome OS and Goggle’s Android apps. Andromeda is also different from Fuchsia OS, which is basically for Internet of Things. At the same day Google will also introduce a new Laptop, whose codename is Bison and will be Nicknamed Pixel 3.

This 12.3- inch laptop will have tablet mode and stylus. It will have two variants, where one will have M3 or i5 core with 32GB and 128GB storage and 8GB or 16GB RAM configuration.

However, the laptop will be available in 3rd quarter of the next year with many possible alteration in announced version.

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