Google has earned 31 billion Revenue from Android till date
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Google has earned 31 billion Revenue from Android till date

  shahid nazir

Google never reveals how much it has earned from its Android Mobile OS. But now the much-guarded secret has been unleashed by Oracle. According to the report Google earned 31 billion in revenue and 22 billion profit from Android OS till date.Google said this is a sensitive information that should have not been revealed and made public. It is of the point of view that only Attorney is only allowed to see such figures in case of court summon.

Google has earned 31 billion Revenue from Android till date

Google has earned 31 billion Revenue from Android till date

“Google does not publicly allocate revenues or profits to Android separate and apart from Google’s general business,” the company said in a court filing. “That non-public financial data is highly sensitive, and public disclosure could have significant negative effects on Google’s business.”

While the recent arguments upon which Oracle will receive damages from Google “Look at the extraordinary magnitude of commerciality here,” Oracle’s attorney elaborated while declaring Android’s revenue and profit.

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