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Analysis: Apple Set for 220 million iPhone Sales in both 2018 and 2019

  MPC Team

Gene Munster, a long time analyst and supplier of Apple’s business research notes, forecasts sustained iPhone sales and that its market share in smartphones is about to peak in the upcoming years.

He analyzes that Apple is going to enter a new phase, in which the company will attempt to achieve “greater iPhone visibility”. He predicts that Apple will rely more on the constant sales of its services and iPhones and not too much on unit sales figures and product hype, which is the company’s usual practice

Given the price difference involved, the analyst believes that Apple won’t be too successful in convincing users to switch from feature phones to iPhones. This will definitely be the case amongst a majority of mobile phone users in Pakistan who are not necessarily able to afford the high prices of Apple iPhones.

Still Munster expects that Apple will succeed in selling about 220 million iPhone sets in both 2018 and in 2019. He notes that currently there are 800 million iPhones in use globally. The 220 million figure predicted for 2018 and 2019 is also the Wall Street consensus at the moment.

Another interesting market fact shared by Munster reveals that Apple has always been able to maintain a high retention rate for the iPhone which is over 90%. Despite high levels of competition and numerous competitors, Apple’s consistency in this regard indicates a happy and satisfied customer base.

The iPhone models will definitely provide stable business for Apple in upcoming years and sales growth in the range of 0-5% range resulting in a thriving business.

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