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Q&A Feature Rolling Out in Google Maps for Mobile Search

  MPC Team

Google has been rolling one of the latest features for Google Maps i.e. Q&A for mobile search. Now if the user wants to ask a question about a museum, restaurant or a hotel, he can ask on the forum.

Moreover, user would be able to see other people’s queries and the responses made to them. Also, user can leave his or her reply to the query of some other person.

To locate where Q&A section is in the Google Maps, go to the local business listing. Then move to ‘Questions & Answers’ to look out for questions and you can leave one of yours.

Upvote the information you find helpful so that others could get the benefit. Also, most upvoted Q&As would be placed on the top, considered being useful.

Businesses listed in Google Maps would get an alert if any user leaves a question in the listing, hence allowing them to respond directly.

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