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Poll: What Screen Aspect Ratio Suits You Best?

  MPC Team

Screen aspect ratio is a new talking point in modern-day smartphones, and people are more concerned about phones that have better screen aspect ratios. So, is the golden mean ratio 16:9? Is it good for both multimedia and apps? Do you still prefer the 18:9 ratio or not?

In this regard, we conducted a poll with the audience of MPC and wanted to know about their preferences for the best screen aspect ratios. The most dominant screen ratio is apparently the 16:9. This might also be due to the fact that most of the videos come in the 16:9 aspect ratio. Many TV shows and YouTube videos are also mostly made with respect to 16:9 ratio.

Moreover, wider screen is required for the games. Such a view essentially makes the wider field of view for a particular player. Moreover, taller screens also allow the designers for being more liberal with the status bars etc.

Even in many of the bezel-less phones, the 16:9 aspect ratio is suitable and mostly preferred.

So, based on this aspect, the poll was conducted to see whether people like 16:9 ratio, wider screen, bezel-less screen, or they simply don’t care.

More than 8000 people were part of this survey. Here are the results of this poll, and the clear preference has been given to the 16:9 aspect ratio in the screens.

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