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Apple will now pay $532 Million over patent infringement


A lawsuit was filed against Apple over Patent infringement in May 2013. The Federal jury in Texas has found Apple guilt of infringement and has ordered it to pay $532 Million as a remedy. The amount will be paid to patent licensing firm Smartflash LLC.

Apple was accused of using Smartflash’s patent without seeking permission knowing iTunes software infringed three of them. Smartflash demanded $852 million in damages but is now satisfied with jury ruling.

The patent issue emerged when iTunes software infringed its patents associated with searching and storing downloaded songs, videos and games. The patent holder blamed that Apple executive has seen the demo of the technology in a meeting with co-inventor. Apple proved that patent is invalid as no basic info is available on it. The Jury overruled Apple and decided the lawsuit in favor of Smartflash. Apple still decides to appeal over the ruling of jury and says the patent system is bogus which led to this misfortune.

On the Contrary, Smartflash also plans to sue Samsung and Google over Patent infringement.

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