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The strife between Samsung and Microsoft might end now


Previously, there has been a dispute over Android royalty payments between Samsung and Microsoft.Microsoft had taken Samsung to court in August 2014 as it has stopped payment for Android royalties. Nokia argued that acquiring Nokia violates the collaboration deal signed in 2011. Microsoft is now a direct competitor. Samsung according to the Court filing previously used to share sensitive info with Microsoft. Samsung also discarded it due to antitrust scenario. The terms and conditions of new deal are confidential. Here is the full text of the joint release from the two tech giants:
“Samsung and Microsoft are pleased to announce that they have ended their contract dispute in U.S. court as well as the ICC arbitration. Terms of the agreement are confidential.”end of lawsuit shows that Samsung will again start making Windows-powered smartphones however no official word is given about this proceeding. But previous month an intention has been put forward that Sammy will utilize Microsoft platform in providing more affordable technology.

The strife between Samsung and Microsoft might end now

The strife between Samsung and Microsoft might end now

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