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User Could Get Answers Inside Skype Chats as Microsoft Cortana Can Find

  MPC Team

Microsoft Cortana, an AI assistant is already smart enough to provide assistance in some of the messaging apps whether it’s Allo (Google Assistant) or smart answers on iOS. In case of Skype as chat app, Microsoft Cortana recent update is rolling for Android and iOS.

User can ask Cortana directly for flights or directions or weather etc. as it promises to be the best assistant in help in normal conversations. Skype now can send replies related to event activity or what the contacts are asking. However, the responses would be canned but setting reminders are smarter.

Microsoft Cortana chat help won’t be adding any personalize feel but it could turn out to be a great source in case user is struggling in making hangout plans. This Cortana chat update would prove be helpful as Cortana would be more useful; no doubt Skype is most widely application worldwide.

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