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Samsung New App guides Children to Keep Safe distance from Tablets and Smartphones’ screens.

  shahid nazir

The latest inventions have not only occupied the elders but the children get sewed to them too. The reason being that information technology cater to every market. With the increasing trend of smartphones and tablets, the information for everyone is now more widely spread and even children get attended to it easily. The online games, movies, cartoons, all have children market residing everywhere.

Samsung New App guides Children to Keep Safe distance from Tablets and Smartphones’ screens.

Samsung New App guides Children to Keep Safe distance from Tablets and Smartphones’ screens.

The issue is not information but the habit with which children stick around this information. They just try to get into the screens with their most favorite programs which hurts their watching habits and effect eyes on the top.

According to a research by Sammy, some of the problems that may arise watching screens from too close are computer vision syndrome, brain strain, and corneal attacks. The tech giant seriously looked into the matter and came up with new Samsung Safety Screen (SSS) app which is developed to warn the children for Screen safety limits in friendly manner.

The app runs in the background while the kids perform rest of the tasks. It uses front camera to sense the proximity level of child with screen. As the child crosses its proximity limit, an animated figure appears on the screen to warn him/her to keep the distance unless it reaches the safe proximity level.

The app is compatible with all Samsung devices running Android 4.3 onwards.

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