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One day you could control your phone with your face!

  MPC Team

While you mostly control your smartphones by tapping or swiping on their screens, it is not always easy to do that. There are other ways to control your device like using Google Assistant, but it may not work in a noisy environment. Now researchers have come up with another option that will help you control your devices with ease. Yes, you will be able to control your beloved devices using your FACE!

One day you could control your phone with your face!

Developed by the Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics Research IGD in Rostock, Germany, EarFieldSensing (EarFS) is an ear plug that gauges the distortions and muscular currents of the ear canal which takes place when you move your face.

It seems to be sensitive enough to measure even the slightest movements of the face or head, but at the same time it isn’t thrown off by other body movements, like those that happen when you walk.

EarFS can recognize various gestures since it is super sensitive. All these gestures could be used as a form of smartphone interaction, enables you to do stuff like controlling music playback or answering calls without touching or even looking at your device.

So far EarFS hasn’t yet been commercialized, but the device or something of the same sort may be available at some point in time.

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