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The Next Generation Batteries will be Water-Based.

  shahid nazir

World is becoming Green and so as the people in tech industry with smartphone and gadget are realizing to Go Green. Green is to work out the environmental hazards of the products and making them safe for consumers.  One such product these days is battery.

The Next Generation Batteries will be Water-Based.

With batteries that are exploding, there has developed a serious concern of injury and damage to consumers. Moreover, they heat up to create environmental disturbances. We previously rely on Lithium-ion batteries, which were not long-lasting and can be dangerous if overheated, dissipating dangerous rays to the atmosphere and blowing off under worst circumstances.

A Harvard based team has come up with a safer solution. The have successfully made the prototype of the battery which is so-called “flow battery” and have organic modules in design with neutral PH water solution, making it a 360 degree improvement to current solutions.

However, this is not the first flow battery. There have been prototypes, but with lapses. Those works have been fixed in this model where degradation with excessive usage has been controlled. The core of the matter lies in modification of molecules to the extent that they become water soluble. This will make batteries non-corrosive and cheaper, making them an ideal option for industrial usage.

With the widespread use of Lithium-ion battery, there is large chunk that still calls for the previous product, so the shift might be impeding in itself. However, with greater advantage, we are indicative of the fact that we will be benefiting from safe technology of water-based battery in future.

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