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People in US and China show more interest in buying iPhone 7 than iPhone 6s.

  shahid nazir

The iPhone 6s did show disappointing results in terms of sales. However, Apple did warn a quarter ago that it might experience decline in sales year-on –year as the market of premium smartphones saturates. The iPhone 7 will bring fortune to company as per UBS Evidence Lab Survey.

People in US and China show more interest in buying iPhone 7 than iPhone 6s.

People in US and China show more interest in buying iPhone 7 than iPhone 6s.

The bank research wing is the most active for sell-side analysis, and has recently surveyed 6,366 smartphone users from Apple primary markets including US, UK, Germany, Mainland China and Japan. The survey was focused on how much interested people are in buying iPhone 7, where US and China gave the most positive results. There were more people found interested in buying iPhone 7 and compared to when the same question was asked about iPhone 6s last year.

We are already aware why – as iPhone 6s came with mediocre changes and no design alterations while the iPhone 7 will launch with visual upgrades, without keeping an audio jack and bring on its optical zoom that will feature somewhere in Pro version. It will also have other exciting features as promised by Tim Cook unlike the mere inclusion of 3D Touch in 6s. However, it is still unclear whether this initial interest would translate into better sales but things seem quite thumbed up right now.

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