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Much Nicer Look of Android’s Clock with Android O!

  MPC Team

As we know that there is all news related to Android is of upcoming Android O. we know that Android O is on its 3rd Developers Preview, and now the news comes out that they are working on the clock app as well. Previously, the clock icon is of purple color, and divided into three segments of hours, minutes, and seconds. Now the clock will be of blue color, with the dark shadow from 2-6 has been reduced.

Much Nicer Look of Android’s Clock with Android O!

Moreover, the second handoff the clock is be red in color, and the complete look of the clock is brighter and cleaner. Shadowing is also removed from the clock’s hands.

The clock’s version 5.1 has a new color scheme. The current version’s color scheme is of purple color with the red button, but in version 5.1 there will be a black background with a blue cornflower button. For the digital clock widgets, they shows the time for the secondary location thicker and heavier font, so readers can easily read the information. The Android users can have select the shape of the clock from Square, Rounded Square, and Teardrop for the Clock icon’s shape in the launcher. Cylinder shape is replaced with Teardrop. Overall, the features of the clock app remains the same, but the Clock app looks nicer and more attractive.

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