Pie Message preps to launch iMessage for Android.

Pie Message preps to launch iMessage for Android.

Pie Message, an open source program, is prepping to launch iMessage for Android platform. The project is still incomplete but can be used in other apps built by anyone. The Pie usually supports the Mac in its Messaging server. The… read more

Android will now be fixed in your Eye.

Android will now be fixed in your Eye.

Google Glass will let you see android all the time you are up. But what it puts Android right in your eye instead of the wearing some Glass. Google has filed a patent confirming that it will work on USPTO… read more

Samsung is developing an app for premature babies.

The technology has become advance enough to help even the pre-mature babies to grow up. Very recently, Samsung has announced an App which will help premature babies to listen to the sound of womb in incubator. With the app, the… read more

FBI to hack every computer of World.

FBI to hack every computer of World.

American Supreme Court has granted permission to change Rule No. 41 as per Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure. With this the judges can grant the permission to remotely access the computers outside district. This means the judge can now grant… read more

Mark Zuckerberg only earns $1 as monthly salary.

Mark Zuckerberg only earns $1 as monthly salary.

The founder of Billion dollar Facebook has salary which will undoubtedly surprise you. Yes Mark Zuckerberg is only earning $1 in return of services he offers. According to foreign media, the owner of 47.5 billion worth of Facebook has been… read more

iPhone’s camera can identify Radiations.

iPhone’s camera can identify Radiations.

Nowadays mobile phones can be used for everything. You can even detect radiations with the high resolution camera of the mobile phone. The digital camera has been designed on the principle of human eye. The Retina absorbs the light and… read more