Android Devices are infected by a new Virus
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Android Devices are infected by a new Virus

  shahid nazir

Recently a report is released that there is a new Android malware called FalseGuide have affected many Android phones. It comes from the playstore under the developer names Sergei Vernik and Nikolai Zalupkin.

This malware can root a phone and will gain access to your personal data. It also does not allow the infected app to be deleted from the system.   When it gains the administrative rights this malware then displays pop up ads out of context.

Android Devices are infected by a new Virus

You cannot easily detect this malware until it gets administrator rights. Now, Google says that they have removed any app infected by FalseGuide and claims that Play Store is a safe to use.

FalseGuide creates the botnet from the infected devices for adware purposes. A botnet is a group of devices which is controlled by hackers without the consent of the owners.

This virus is seen in 49 Android apps which were downloaded by 1.8 million Android in the last 5 months. Those apps fortunately have very less downloaded rates. Apps which support these viruses include fake companion apps i.e Pokemon Go and FIFA Mobile.

Google is very strict about the regular security updates and also with the OEM releasing them.  Almost around half of the Android phones did not get regular security updates last year which gave hype to hackers to make harmful malwares like FalseGuide.


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