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Samsung submits response to the recently unleashed battery problem in Galaxy Note 8

  MPC Team

In the last week, we reported numerous incidents about the battery problems occurring in Samsung Galaxy Note 8, and many users reported that their devices were showing off several issues related to battery. Most of the users complained that the phone was not being charged again after it had hit 0% battery.

Upon extensive coverage to this issue, Samsung has finally submitted response. Many users had even reported such issues in case of Galaxy S8 as well as S8+, and some users even complained about the same battery issue in Galaxy Tab 3.

Therefore, in the official statement by Samsung on this issue, the company said it still has not got enough of the responses and reports in this issue and after getting the required number of complaints only then Samsung will be coming up with the resolution of the problem. Hence, in its reply, Samsung has said the following:

“Of course, Samsung is taking all reports of this kind seriously, we only received a very small number of customer inquiries that could be linked to charge management, and unfortunately we can only comment on the matter further if we have more detailed information about the affected devices. If you have any questions about your device, please contact Samsung Customer Service at 06196 77 555 66 (costs according to the contractual partner’s terms for landline or mobile phone connections.) Service times: Monday to Friday: 8: 00-21: 00 clock, Saturday: 9: 00-17: 00 clock) or under:

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