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How to Secure your PC from Abusive Content on the Web and Social Media

  MPC Team

Nowadays, we use internet most regularly as our daily routine tasks to interact with our family, friends, working place and for many other activities. However, internet provides us a lot of benefits, but there is also number of issues present with its use regarding security and safety.

To secure your PC from abusive content on the internet, you can select a tool dubbed as Soothe. This tool is developed to avoid provocation and relief the users avert seeing triggers while they browse on the internet. To secure your PC, all you need to do is install plug-in on your Chrome Browser. This tool clears away all the racist, extremist, transphobic, brutal posts and comments and posts based on emotion analysis.

At the same time, we need to assure that our privacy filters are adjusted to the highest level and our posts are only visible to our friends. Many cases prevail in which users have found their photos being used for crusades and other purpose without any permission. So, make a rule of your life that only talk to a person you know very well and feel safe to show your personal photos and material online. Because, sometimes people are fake and are using social networks to manipulate accessible users.

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